Posts Tagged ‘Empowerment’

Never Give Up

April 16, 2010

Never Give Up!

Never Give Up !  (Actually, these words by Winston Churchill  after the war, giving his most powerful and shortest speech ever…said, ” Never, never, never, never, NEVER, give up !”)  and he truly practiced what he preached; constantly on the radio as a cheerleader and coach…empowering his people. During the war there were times when the English fighter planes were out-numbered literally ten to one…or greater…yet the pilots faught unceasingly coming down only to refuel, grab a quick cup of something and go right back up, sometimes days on end, without sleep.Daily, Churchill was spurring them on.  Hitler said of his adversaries, in so many words, I’ve never seen such tenacity in all my life. …and he was right.  I can attest to this. when I was living in England in the late sixties, I often would bring up the subject, just to get first hand feedback from those who “Been there done that!” One guy told me…”No question about it, if we were to run out of bullets, we would have thrown rocks or even our furniture if necessary. We were determined not to let them step foot on our soil”. 

In another time and place, another great leader (and General), Hannibal, never let anything stop him (as was evidenced by him doing the seemingly impossible…taking elephants over the Alps) he said, ” We will either find a way….or make a way!” Such conviction is the stuff of those who succeed.

In essence…attitude is everything!  You have to SEE the end result in your mind’s eye but… most important, you have to KNOW that you will succeed. This knowingness takes practice, and I’ll be talking more about it in later blogs. For now, just know that you cannot succeed in anything until you realize that you can and then “lock on it!” 

Helpful Hint: Eliminate the word “try” from your vocabulary. It  not only weakens you but translates into negative results. ( The word “try” basically translates into “No” or ” Won’t be able to” )